Application All fields marked with an * are mandatory. Tell us how we may help you Business Consulting Equity or Debt Financing Management Recruiting Product Innovation Legal and Accounting Incubation Space Other If other, please indicate Job Title First Name* Last Name* Company Name* Job Title* Address* City* State* Zip* Phone* Cell* Your Email* Provide a brief summary of your company or idea. Indicate what is unique. How much equity to date has been invested in the business? Please indicate sources of investment(s): check all that apply Owner/founder Friends and Family Venture Capital Loans Grants Angel investors Sales Revenue None Other (please specify) Are you interested in equity or deb financing? Equity Debt Not sure We only work with businesses located in Stark or surrounding counties of Ohio. By selecting yes, you confirm you are either currently located in Stark or a surrounding county, or will agree to relocate here as needed. * Yes No How did you hear about us? Stark Entrepreneurship Alliance is an economic development partnership serving the citizens of Stark and surrounding counties of Ohio. If we agree to provide you with business assistance, we will do so at no charge to you. We disclaim (and you waive) all warranties related to the assistance we may provide to you, and you also agree that neither Stark Entrepreneurship Alliance, nor its agents, shall be liable to you for any damages, including, without limitation, loss of profit or business opportunity. I agree to the above terms. * Yes